Park. Save. Call.
Use your phone however you want, whenever you want with unlimited incoming and outgoing wifi calling, voicemail, and text messaging.
Relocating, moving for work, or studying overseas does not mean that you should lose touch with family and friends.
Our WiFi Calling plan allows you to keep your US or Canadian number while overseas and stay connected as if you never left. You can make and receive calls while you are connected and let people leave a voicemail message when you are not connected. Unlimited incoming and outgoing text messages are also included. So no more excuses mom wants to hear from you...

Store your phone number to eliminate carrier fees
Number parking keeps your phone number for a significantly lower price than you would paying carrier fees directly.

Voicemails get sent directly to your email
Get your voicemail messages delivered to your email inbox with our voicemail option.

Automatic call forwarding to any phone number
Have your incoming calls forwarded to any number you wish while using Park My Phone.

Get text messages through e-mails
Text messages sent to you will be delivered to your email box. You can send messages from your email box and they will show up on the other side phone as a normal text message. Short code messages received from institutions such as banks and websites are delivered in most cases but we cannot guarantee that. Some institutions will check for the type of line you have. If the number shows as a landline they may not send the message, and our numbers are stored as a landline. This may lead them to decide not to send the message.
Park My Phone WiFi Calling Plan
when paid annually
Voicemail Included
Outbound Calling Included
Text Messaging Included
Unlimited Inbound Calling
Unlimited Outbound Calling
Unlimited Text Messaging
All prices are rounded and shown in USD. For more options call us at: (877) 727- 5698
How does the Wi-Fi Calling plan work?
It uses an app that you will install on your smartphone and using the data network (WiFi is best but mobile data may work if you are not moving), will allow you to make calls to the US and Canada and receive calls from anyone who has your phone number. If the phone is not connected to the internet, callers will be able to leave a message for you, and we will email it to you, as well as display it on the app. In addition, you will also be getting text messages to your email and will be able to send and reply from there as well. The price of the plan is almost the same as having voicemail and text together, but we anticipate that it will save you money when you need to call businesses, friends, and family in the US. Best of all it will allow you to behave as if you never left.
What solution do you have for customers living abroad when they come to visit the US?
So in addition to the WiFi calling plan, we also developed an option for you to use your number on any unlocked (TMobile phones should work as well) GSM device when you come for a visit. Check out our SIM card plan here.
Have more questions?
Trusted By People Just Like You
Individual results may vary. Cost and savings depend on your selected plan and usage.
Ready To Get Started? Sign Up Today
Transfer your existing phone, fax, or toll-free number and
start saving now with our affordable parking and forwarding plans.
or Call (877) 727- 5698